Sunday, November 4, 2012

Classes in Masimba and Kebirigo.

 Hi all,

The past two weeks have been Very Busy! We were monitoring our 8 educators in training as they, in groups of four taught two classes in two towns. One class was in Masimba, while another was going in Kebirigo. Both classes moved along with a beautiful Kenyan twist, as the educators created the classes with Kenyan flavor. They studied before each days classes, to be sure of who was teaching what when. One group taught in a tagged-team fashion while the other took turns presenting the valuable information Permaculture offers.

   It was really a pleasure to watch the enthusiasm and sincerity the trainees brought to the classroom. It made us all very Proud when we watched our first educators in training hand out the Permaculture Design Certificates to their students. They were SO Happy! And SO were We! The students learned so much and were so excited about what they were learning, they shared with friends and neighbors and the class began to grow, adding new students to the course. 

I had a few meetings with the University of Kisii, who is thinking of doing some research projects with our Permaculture farmers. They asked me to present a lecture introducing permaculture to their students and staff. The presentation was well received and the students expressed a strong desire to hold a Permaculture Design class (PDC) with in the next year or so. 

 The Grand Graduation took place on Oct 31st. We blew up balloons, rented more chairs, drank sodas, and ate madazi (a kind of homemade donut or fry bread) Happy faces were plentiful and joy filled the air! Joannah, Alison, Victor and I, were all happy with tears. We just took such Joy from hearing the testimonials of the students as they shared what they had learned. This work is really rewarding.
 After the graduation, we found out that Alison's grandmother had fallen ill and she decided to head back to the states. Please send a little love her way. Victor and I will be traveling tomorrow (saturday) to Eshinkonga, north of Kisumu, were we have a continuing PDC class. We will partner with our newly graduated educators to finish that class and then leave for home. I hope to email one more journal before we leave Kenya. Wish us Luck!



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